Column of Zoran Dimov: Nationality on ID Cards – a double-edged sword!

There are different views in the country from the political entities whether the ethnicity should be in the new ID cards or not. For some it is necessary, for others, there is no such thing in international practice.

But one thing is certain, there is no democratic country in the world in which there is an ethnic or religious affiliation. And despite the arguments that they will care for all ethnic communities in the country, to me this explanation seems insufficient.

Having in mind that our political system and law affirms the ethnic division and inequality of all citizens on ethnic basis, this ethnic labeling will only increase the inequality within the society.

The ethnic borders aren’t as rigorous as before, there are people with double, triple and more ethnic identities, as a consequence of the mixed marriages, migrants and the other processes of modern life.

The document itself, such as the ID card, is not a private one at first, but a public document, which is temporarily given to the person so that the institutions and the public and private legal entities determined by law can identify it.

The data from the ID card, especially the personal identification number, are also protected by law. Ethnic identity is a private and subjective category. No identity today (and in the past) is immutable, including ethnic. Man can choose and change any identity whenever he wants.

This will introduce ethnic profiling at a small door in Macedonia. Without the declared and inscribed appropriate ethnicity in the ID cards, the citizen will not be able to be employed under equal conditions, he will not be able to enter certain commercial institutions such as discos, swimming pools.

It proves once again that we are the only country and society in the world that the Preamble of the Constitution serves as a basis for discrimination!

And we declare ourselves and belong to the western civilization and our country is a full member of NATO!And to top it all off, we got to hear the opinion of the EU who are against such laws!

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