Romani girl from Poland , Viki Gabor wins Junior Eurovision 2019!

Wiktoria "Viki" Gabor (born 24 June 2007) is a Polish singer. She began her career in 2019, as a finalist on the second season of The Voice Kids Poland, and then later won the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2019 with the song "Superhero".

Gabor was born in Hamburg to a Polish Romani family. After her birth, they returned to Poland, later moving to the United Kingdom, and then settling in Kraków when she was seven. Gabor has an elder sister named Melisa, who is a composer and songwriter.

In late-2018, Gabor competed in the auditions for second season of The Voice Kids Poland. She joined the team of Tomson & Baron, and proceeded to continue to advance through the competition, ultimately reaching the finals and releasing her debut single "Time".

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