The President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola with a special video message to the IRU on the occasion of the International Roma Day April 8

"International Roma Day is a day to celebrate Roma culture, history and language and pay tribute to Roma people's contribution to the rich fabric of our European societies," European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said on the occasion of 8 April, World Roma Day. "Despite the challenges faced by many, Roma citizens can be proud Europeans, proud of the wealth that they bring to Europe - but today is also a day to raise awareness about a serious concern: Growing antiziganism," she said in a video where she appears together with MEP Peter Pollák.

Pollák spoke about the fact that many Romani men and women in Europe continue to face discrimination and racism. "It is unacceptable that our ethnicity, skin color, or poverty continue to divide us," the MEP said, reminding European voters that the pandemic proved how neglected Romani settlements still are despite massive investments.

"Today we remember lessons learned from World War Two, which saw the weaker members of our society be spurned, and we reaffirm that Roma people must enjoy the same rights and treatment as any European citizens," Metsola said. "The European Parliament stands with you. Sastipen bacht, le Romenge."



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