Serbia: Scandal - An employee in a boutique insulted the Belgrade hostess and did not want to serve her: "You see she is a Gypsy and she lies"

Host Jasmina El Abd Vasiljevic claims that she experienced discomfort in a well-known Belgrade boutique, and the workers belittled her on racial grounds and were very unpleasant to her. The host, originally from Libya, shared her unpleasant situation on her Facebook profile, stressing that she decided not to be silent on this topic.

- I was thinking about whether to publish this post and I decided that I will not be silent because the boutiques insulted me for being a Gypsy - it is not a shame to be Roma, but to comment and choose people by nationality. is an insult - she wrote at the beginning of her post.

- I went to buy a dress at "Boutique 13" at Bulevar Kralja Alexandra number 38. I needed a dress for a reportage shoot

I ask the woman who works in the boutique if I can take a picture of the dress and she tells me that I can't, that it is forbidden to take pictures. Respecting her answer, I say "Okay." She adds that the next question is which show it is, and the employee "in a cheeky way" told her that "they don't have it in the register".

- Madam, I always bought clothes from you, you were never our sponsor, I always paid in cash.

When the hostess started to leave the boutique, as this hostess continues, her colleague who was standing next to her turned to the colleague, the worker who was communicating with the hostess and said: "I told you well, you see that she is a gypsy and that she is lying, she is pretending that she's the host, everyone's trying to play the same game."

El Abd Vasiljevic clarified that she filmed the show Tourist Magazine in which, as she says, her guests were ambassadors, directors of tourist organizations and mayors of cities in Serbia.

- My father is Lebanese, and I am proud of my origin. And if I am Roma, so what, there is no shame in being Roma. Tomorrow I will find out who their boss is, and I will explain that the workers in that boutique are uncultured.

The boutique says that they do not have to give any answer or comment on this topic.




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