Nish, Serbia: Was the Uskovic Family a Victim of Discrimination?

Discrimination can be manifested in various areas of social life.

Discrimination can be done by anyone, a counter worker in the city administration, a public authority, a judge, a doctor, a teacher, a policeman. It can happen anywhere - at work, at school, at the university, in a hospital, at a stadium, in proceedings before a public authority, in court, in public transport, on the street...

Discrimination can be direct or indirect, intentional or committed out of ignorance. Forms of discrimination are direct and indirect discrimination, as well as violation of the principle of equal rights and obligations, calling for responsibility, association for the purpose of discrimination, hate speech, harassment, humiliating treatment and sexual and gender harassment, segregation, as well as incitement to discrimination. It can happen that someone commits an act of discrimination against another person or group of persons, without even being aware of it.

If Miljan Usković was a victim of discrimination, see for yourself and the percentages...





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