Unanimous Approval: “Nicolae Gheorghe Square”, a Historic Decision in Romania

The General Council of Bucharest Municipality approved, on February 29, 2024, the resolution project regarding the naming of the public space located at the intersection of Sfinții Apostoli and Dr. Raul Orleanu streets in Sector 4 as “Nicolae Gheorghe Square.”

The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” is the first public space dedicated to an internationally renowned Roma personality who, throughout his career, stood out for his moral strength, dedication, and energy channelled into the process of recognizing Roma people as a national minority. This tribute to Nicolae Gheorghe’s personality and to his fight for human rights marks a new chapter in the historical reconciliation between the Roma minority and the majority population. The “Nicolae Gheorghe Square” becomes a symbol of multiculturalism, inclusion, and democratic values.

The request for naming the square was made by the Roma Education Fund, the civic platform Aresel, the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Association (REDI), and the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC)

General Mayor Nicușor Dan stated “Sociologist Nicolae Gheorghe was the greatest Roma ethnic intellectual in Romania, known for his involvement in Roma civic activism in our country. Before the Revolution, he caught the attention of the Securitate (the Communist-era secret police) by sending an article to Radio Free Europe denouncing xenophobia and racism in the Communist Party’s policies.

After 1989, he intensified his efforts, playing a crucial role in recognizing the Roma community as a national minority. He held various positions, including Vice President of the International Romani Union and founding member of one of the most prestigious non-governmental organizations, Romani Criss. From 1999 to 2006, Nicolae served as a senior adviser to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Europe. His over 40 years of professional work in service of the Roma community rightfully place him among the great human rights activists worldwide.

I extend my gratitude to the general councilors for supporting this project and to Mr. Ciprian Necula for this initiative.”


Link: https://www.romaeducationfund.org/unanimous-approval-nicolae-gheorghe-square-a-historic-decision-in-romania




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