The forgotten hero from Košare Roma Dalibor Dimov, on eternal guard without a bust or memorial

Dalibor Dimov, Roma nationality, Toplodolac by mother, Serb by personal declaration. That's what his comrades say about him.

In the village of Obrenovac, not far from Pirot, in the Roma family Dimov, on January 23, 1976, a boy was born, whom they named Dalibor. As a small child, Dalibor moved with his family to Pirot in a building known as "Soliter", which is why he was remembered as "Dacha from Soliter".

Dalibor served regular military service in 1995, while in 1998 he became a contract soldier. When the conflicts in Kosovo and Metohija started.

On August 4, 1998, as part of the reconnaissance-sabotage company, Dalibor was killed when the jeep in which they were patrolling in the area of the "Košare" watchtower ran into an Albanian ambush.

On December 27, 2002, a monument to fallen fighters in the wars from 1990 to 1999 was unveiled in Pirot. On one of the plaques, the name of Dalibor Dimov with the year of his birth and the year of his death is engraved. In the village of Obrenovac, a memorial fountain to the fallen soldiers was discovered on September 17, 2005, but the name of Dalibor Dimov was not found on it, but only the fallen soldiers in the wars from 1912 to 1918 and from 1941 to 1945. Only 7 years were enough to forget the name of this heroic hero. Dalibor and other fallen fighters in the wars during the 90s of the 20th century are today witnessed by a monument in the Karađorđe park on the square of the same name in Pirot. Of the 26 killed, so far only one street in Pirot has been named after one fighter. The wish of his daughter Monika, as well as his entire family, his friends and comrades, is for Dalibor to have his own square, street or at least a bust with his image in Pirot, and it would be fair if it were somewhere near the city center where Dalibor practically spent his entire life . The least he deserved from his homeland and from the city of Pirot was one street in the city where he lived.



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