Ramadan - Eid al-Fitr

Ramadan (Arabic: عيد الفطر, eng. Eid al-Fitr; is an important Islamic holiday that is celebrated after the end of the month of Ramadan, the month of fasting and restraint.

This day marks the end of the 30 day Ramadan Day is the first day of the month of Shevala, the tenth of the twelve lunar months in the Islamic calendar.

The exact day depends always on the location and location of the region.

During the Ramadan Bairam a special prayer is made consisting of two recipes.

He can only make a congregation, and at the same time there are six threads.

Here are some examples of the names of the Ramadan - Eid Al-Fitr


Arabic - عيد الفطر Eid Al-Fitr

English - Eid Al-Fitr

Indiani - ईद उल-फ़ित्र ("Eid ul-Fitr")

Chinese - 开斋节 / Kāi zhāi jié ("Festival at the end of fasting")

German- Ramadanfest, Zuckerfest (Sugar Bayram)

Spanish - Fiesta de la ruptura del ayuno

Turkish - Ramazan Bayramı - Şeker Bayramı

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