Next week launches promotion of documentary "Support for Legalization of Roma Housing - Mapping the Differences" in seven municipalities across the country

As part of the implementation of the European Union funded project "Mapping Roma Housing Differences" and a sub-grant of the project "Support to Legalization of Roma Housing" Association of Roma Business Information Center - ZRDICM from Skopje was responsible for filming and Interview with stakeholders, Mayors, PE and Cadastre leaders, NGO sector and citizens.

It was realized in the past and is now fully post-production ready for its promotion.

In this context, in the period from 10 to 13 September 2019 it will be promoted in all seven municipalities that were in the scope of implementation.

These are the municipalities of Kocani, Stip, Veles, Kumanovo. Prilep, Kicevo and Municipality of Chair from Skopje.

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