Are Roma also on the same scale in criminal proceedings in the country?

In the analysis of the situation of Roma as accused in criminal proceedings in the Republic of Macedonia, within the framework of the project "Equal before the court safe in life" made two years ago, there are several indicators where the Roma community in the Republic of Macedonia emphasizes that discrimination based on ethnicity is especially emphasized in the Republic of Macedonia when it comes to the Roma population.

Access to justice and access to the right to a fair and fair trial are posing as essential issues for the Roma community having in mind the overall socio-economic context in which Roma in R Macedonia are.

The protection of basic human rights within court proceedings, and above all the position of Roma as accused in the criminal procedure in the context of the whole moment of stigmatization and stereotyping towards Roma, is important to investigate in order to establish effective mechanisms of protection.

Particular attention deserves the position of the Roma in the judicial system, in the broadest sense of the word. There are many perceptions of discrimination against Roma in the treatment of the police, the use of inadequate force, intimidation, repression and inhumane treatment, as well as manifested mistrust in the claims of the citizens of the Roma nationality that certain rights are endangered or injured.


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