New list of the most powerful passports for 2023: How does Macedonia rank?

The Passport Index website ranks the passports of 96 countries in the world. The United Arab Emirates is in first place in 2023, while the second place on the list is shared by as many as five countries. Macedonia is in 36th place, which is a drop of five positions compared to last year, although the number of countries where Macedonians can travel without visas remains at 130. Of the countries in the region, Slovenia is ranked best with its passport in an excellent seventh place.

Despite the mobility gap, nearly every country's passports got stronger this year, according to the latest Passport Index report.

Of the countries in the region, the Croatian passport is in eighth place, Serbia in 32nd as countries whose citizens can travel to 137 countries without a visa, and Montenegro in 37th place. The passport of Bosnia and Herzegovina is in 44th place.

The Passport Index describes the UK as one of the 'losers' in 2023. Although the UK has seen its global mobility score rise, this upward trend has been slowed by the country's post-Brexit struggle to reach visa deals with EU member states. However, the UK still has visa-free access to 175 countries.

At the very bottom is Afghanistan, whose citizens can travel to only 39 countries in the world without the prior issuance of a visa. Besides Afghanistan, at the bottom are Syria, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Iraq and Bangladesh.





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