A famous anecdote from the insightful Mahatma Gandhi

When Mahatma Gandhi was studying law at a college in London, he had a professor named Peters who felt enmity towards Mahatma Gandhi. But Gandhi never bowed his head to his bad comments which were very frequent.

One day, Mr. Peters was having lunch in the University dining hall and Gandhi came with his cutlery and sat next to the professor. The professor in his arrogance said:

"Mr. Gandhi, you do not understand, a pig and a bird do not sit together to eat." '', to which Gandhi replied, not to worry and that he would fly away, so he went and sat at another table.

Mr. Peters, green with rage, decides to take revenge in the next test, but Gandhi reacts brilliantly. Then Mr. Peters asks him the following question:

"Mr. Gandhi, if you were walking down the street and found a package containing a bag of wisdom and a bag of money, what would you take from it?" "

Without hesitation, Gandhi replied:

"A bundle of money, of course." "

Mr. Peters smiled and said:

"I'd rather take that sack of wisdom."

"Every man takes what he does not have. '' Gandhi replied indifferently.

Mr. Peters, already hysterical, writes the word "idiot" on Gandhi's exam list and gives it to Gandhi who takes the exam and sits down. A few minutes later, Gandhi went to the professor and said:

"Mr. Peters, you signed the test, but you didn't grade me."...

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