
Millions of EU citizens can now apply for settled status in UK

EU citizens need to apply to stay in the UK, but community organisations warn vulnerable groups may be at risk.

And if just 5% of applicants have their bid to remain in the UK refused or disrupted by problems, 175,000 people could be left without legal status.

In a trial conducted with the government pilot, 65 members of the Roma Support Group applied for settled status using the app. Mr Bica told Sky News only seven could complete the application unaided.
"People are really really really concerned about this," he said. "But our capacity to help them is limited.
"Last year we worked with 3000 individuals, out of perhaps 200,0000 in the whole Roma community. We believe the majority have no idea what settled status is."

The government has insisted it has learned the lessons of the Windrush scandal and will support applicants to show their residency using a wide range of different documents.

Among the measures to be taken are translation, a phone line for people experiencing problems, and even providing support to people in their homes if they have limited mobility.

European embassies are also offering support to their citizens, running advice clinics for people worried about their status.

Link: https://news.sky.com/story/eu-settled-status-launch-sparks-fears-of-a-new-windrush-11613355


Karakachanov proposes removing the "Roma ghettos" in Bulgaria and limiting the birth rate among Roma

"There can be no two countries in a country like Bulgaria in the 21st century. One of the Roma and one of everybody else "- said Krasimir Karakachanov, representing his congress to resolve the" Roma issue "in Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Krasimir Karakachanov prepared the Concept for solving the problem with the non-socialized Roma groups, writes Bulgarian Focus.

"One state is this for people who are forced to obey the laws, to pay taxes, to study, to seek work, and the other part is Bulgaria to those non-socialized parts of the Roma population who consider that they have only rights, and have no obligations, "Karakachanov.

He added that the introduction of a limitation of social assistance is one of the priority points because it is unacceptable to take help who does not want to work, be given child allowance and other means without any restrictions and conditions.

"There will also be compulsory education for the Roma," said the Deputy Prime Minister.

"The Ghetto (of the Roma) are one breeders of illiteracy, crime, prostitution, drugs, low culture and low hygiene conditions. Goat should be abolished and where municipalities will provide land for the representatives of the Roma community so that they can build homes, that construction is done with their participation, that is, with the participation of the future owners themselves, and not receiving anything on ready, which will then destroy it "- suggests Karakachanov.

He also seeks the introduction of compulsory training in acquiring work habits, building centers where these people who missed school and did not get any professional and working habits, can these programs for which huge money is allocated, go there and learn something to work.
He wants to introduce incentives for a limited birth rate in terms of high birth rates. To introduce free measures, such as abortions on the state bill for those women who already have two or three children, proposes the Bulgarian Deputy Prime Minister. His document will be examined by the Council of Ministers.

A large number of Roma people live in Bulgaria. According to the latest census, about 700,000 people reported themselves, but it is assumed that there are 1,000,000.

They mostly live in Roma settlements, the so-called. ghettos, many unemployed, illiterate, with an increased number of crimes. Bulgaria will solve the problem of integration of the Roma population with a new strategy, and this one of Karakachianov is one of the proposed

Protocol for Macedonia's accession to NATO signed

At the NATO headquarters in Brussels on 7 February 2019, the ambassadors of the 29 member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance signed the Protocol for Macedonia's membership in NATO. In the following period, his ratification will follow in the parliaments of all member states.

"It was a difficult road, filled with compromises. We waited a long time for you to join us in the family. Participate in NATO missions and fulfill the reforms needed to become the 30th NATO member. After the signing, the ratification process is followed and we have no doubt that it will be ratified in all member states, said NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

"Macedonia will soon be Northern Macedonia, it's a matter of days. We have proven that we can solve the problems we face. This will send a reassuring message to the region in which there is still uncertainty. We are ready, we are here, we will assume the responsibilities that accompany NATO membership. I hope for the effective implementation of the ratification, "said the Macedonian Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov.

Will the famous Roma businessman Asan Ferat run for the presidential race?

Following the announcement by two current MPs and presidents of SRM and PCER, Amdi Bajram and Samka Ibraimovski that they are entering the tape for the Head of State, now another candidate from the Roma is appearing. It is about the famous businessman and owner of Mateks and "Europe Pazar" in Shuto Orizari, Asan Ferat.

He announced on his FB profile that he intends to run for this position, if citizens like Shuto Orizari and the rest agree. Otherwise, Ferat is a well-known Roma businessman, but also regularly active when it comes to electoral processes.

By the way, Asan Ferat has been remembering for many years as a successful businessman, but he is best known as the owner of the maters and warehouse for craft products Mateks, the partner of "Europa Pazar" in Shutka as well as the owner of the restaurant "Mateks" which is also located in Shuto Orizari.
In the FB itself, it is emphasized that Asan Ferat is a person without a political streak.


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