
Presidential elections scheduled for April 21

Parliament Speaker Talat Xhaferi announced that the first round of the presidential election is likely to take place on April 21 after postponing the initial planning on April 28 when Easter is falling. The second round should be held on May 5.

Xhaferi said that February 8 is the deadline for announcing presidential elections, and since three municipalities are without a mayor, Novo Selo due to the resignation of both Debar and Ohrid, due to a death event, along with the presidential ones in these municipalities, to hold the mayoral election as well.

The Japanese passport is the most valuable, can travel to 190 countries without a visa

The best pass is the Japanese passport where you can travel without visa in 190 countries. It is followed by Singapore and South Korea with 189 countries.

Third place is shared by France and Germany with 188 countries, followed by Denmark, Finland, Italy and Sweden with 187 countries.

By the tenth place, there are over 20 countries most of the European Union plus Norway, the United States, Australia, Iceland and New Zealand.

From the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Slovenian passport is ranked 11th, where it can travel to 180 countries without a visa. Then Croatia in 20th place with 168 countries to travel without a visa, Serbia is 40th where can travel to 129 countries without a visa, Macedonia to 43th place with 125 countries, Montenegro in 123 countries, BiH in 118 countries. Kosovo is ranked 94th with the possibility to travel without a visa in 44 countries.

At the last 104th place are Afghanistan and Iraq which can travel without visa in 30 countries.

Deadline for 5 years for North Macedonia in personal documents

Within five years or by 2024 at the latest, the personal documents of the citizens will bear the new name "Republic of North Macedonia". The new amendments will include the ethnicity of the minority communities in the country.

New identity cards and passports will have to be purchased by the citizens, as well as new plates of the registration plates of their vehicles, within five years at the latest after the name agreement in the Greek Parliament has been ratified and after the Macedonian MPs pass the necessary constitutional changes sealed the new name of the state "Republic of North Macedonia".

The registration plates in the future will bear the abbreviation НМ or НМК, and the new name of the country will be inserted in the identity cards and passports. Within 5 years, all other documentation of the public administration for external use, but also for internal use, will have to be changed and their publication will start with the opening of each chapter of the relevant field in the negotiations with the EU. This means that each institution will change its name and documentation step by step.

It is still not known how the personal documents of the citizens will be changed, which will not expire within the given deadline, although this will not be their burden, at least according to the Government's announcements so far. In any case, by 2024, citizens will need to have an identity card or passport under the new state name.

Link: https://www.slobodnaevropa.mk/a/29708979.html

Statement by LevFem regarding the latest demolition of Roma houses in Bulgaria: please circulate widely

Anti-Roma racism, ethnophobia, and prejudice have reached intolerable proportions in Bulgarian government, the Bulgarian public sphere, and Bulgarian society at large. LevFem stands in solidarity with our Roma sisters and brothers who are subjected to incessant daily racist abuse, harassment, violence, and dehumanization, and navigate countless forms of prejudice while surviving an increasingly hostile racist, ethnophobic, and xenophobic social environment.

On January 9, Vice Prime Minister of Bulgaria Krasimir Karakachanov called bulldozers and began the demolition of informally-built Roma homes in the village of Voivodinovo near Plovdiv. The demolitions in Voivodinovo are preceded by a chain of similar measures in other Roma neighborhoods for years now.

This is what has become a common racist retaliatory tactic that holds responsible and punishes the entire Roma community or entire Roma neighborhoods for cases of violence or scuffles involving individual Romas, who are then highly publicized in the press in stigmatizing and dehumanizing ways.

Link: Dikh o originalno artiklo


FaLang translation system by Faboba

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