The living standard is bad, but citizens believe it will be better for them in five years

Examining the perceptions of the living standard of MCIC and TV Telma showed that three-quarters of the citizens (75.0%) see themselves in the first half of the scale from one to 10. However, there is optimism because 48.1% of the respondents see themselves in the second half of the scale for five years from now. The education and age of the respondents influence perceptions, so those with higher education and the younger are more optimistic about the living standard.

Men's employment is higher (50.9%) than for women (33.3%). The largest number of employees is between the ages of 30 and 49. As for income, one fourth of the citizens do not have personal incomes, among them the more numerous women (31.7%) than men (19.2%), ethnic Albanians (38.4%) than ethnic Macedonians ( 20.0%) and young people aged 18-29 (39.4%).

More than half (52.6%) can hardly or can not afford the necessary, while only 12.8% can afford more than necessary. Among those who fail to afford the necessary number are ethnic Albanians (39.4%) compared to ethnic Macedonians (17.6%), as well as those with lower education.


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