Warm home for mother and five children from the Mayor of Kavadarci

The young single mother Sabina from Vatasa, Kavadarci, and her five young children will spend the winter in a cramped home, where the bulbs will light up again after a long time.

In her dilapidated little house, she will not have to worry about surviving the cold months to come, as the new chapter in their lives begins today.

Namely, the woman who lives on the assistance of a third child and from occasional diaries she earns by cleaning houses in Kavadarci, met with the mayor Mitko Jancev at his request, who after seeing the conditions of the family survives, without hesitation offered his help.

- There is nothing to wait or think about. It is the mother of five children, some of whom go to school. The woman cares for them, is fully committed to them and this family deserves a chance for a better life. So I decided to help them, and part of the business sector will join me.

They will renovate their home, make them a decent place to live, get a new bathroom, kitchen, new electricity meter, all debts will be paid off.

We will also provide all the household appliances, a laundry machine, a stove, a refrigerator, all that is needed to operate normally - the mayor said.

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