Residents of Vizbegovo protest, Helsinki and MTSC accuse of discrimination

Vizbegovo do not like the children of former "Ranka Milanovic" nearby
The house is currently home to three children, former residents of Ranka Milanovic's home, now in a small group home. They have recently moved here because the social has decided that this type of care will be more effective in their upbringing.

The three children of former "Ranka Milanovic" housed in the small group home in Vizbegovo have 24-hour supervision by experts. They receive for the first time a warm home and care that has so far been lacking in life. A few weeks before the children were moved to a house in Vizbegovo, all of their close neighbors were found in their homes.

But residents, on the other hand, also accused the center's employees of social networks of insulting them for disagreeing with their upbringing.

The Helsinki Committee responds and appeals to the residents of Vizbegovo to show empathy, understanding and acceptance for children moving to their surroundings, to a home that is not an institution and resembles a family environment, which is an essential prerequisite for their socialization and progress.

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