Novi Pazar: Company for example

Ruzdi Suljevic's family arrived in Novi Pazar 25 years ago. They have always had a difficult and poor life. He died last year and the whole burden fell on his son Jasmin, 30, who is struggling to feed his wife Djenana, 27, his mother Jagoda, 58, his sister Semedina, 26, and children Eisel, 11, Emran. Edin (8) and Darka (5).

Despite poverty and poverty, they strive to earn a decent living without social assistance or begging.

All of the children go to school. Although they have no water, and sometimes electricity, they are always clean and tidy. That is what all the neighbors say, who in some ways sometimes help them financially.

Little Eisel once described her house as a two-storey house with flowers and flowers in writing instead of cardboard. Asked by the teacher if her house was really like that, she answered yes, but only in her dreams.

Otherwise she is worshiped by the whole 4/3 grade and despite her poverty she is never abandoned by her most loyal friends and are Jana Milanovic, Ana Ackovic and Andrea Ilic.

Otherwise the new marketers know the whole situation with this family and therefore in a recent action raised funds and donated to the family Suljevic in the amount of about 600 euros.

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