The Banjica camp was the largest concentration camp on the territory of occupied Serbia, and large numbers of people were taken to death there.

The infamous Banjica camp where many Roma and Jews lost their lives was formed by order of the German occupier in 1941 and remained in operation until October 3, 1944.

The former barracks of the 18th Infantry Regiment at Banjica were selected for the location.
The first prisoners to be brought were Roma and Jews on May 9, 1941

The exact number of casualties will never be known because most of the documents were destroyed in 1943, and many bodies buried in the camp site and later displaced during the war or destroyed by firing during the charter German and Queensland troops.

The victims of the Banjica camp suffered in a so-called "repentance measure", which was instituted on the order that hundreds of civilians were killed and one fifty German soldiers shot dead by one German soldier.


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