Consequences of EU Enlargement Blockade to Feel Roma from Western Balkans

Roma are one of the fastest growing ethnic communities in the Western Balkans, who can speak from the start and in three languages! It means its native (Roma), Macedonian as official and also in areas where the majority is of another national community (for example: in the west Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar Kicevo also know Albanian, or in the east and southeast, Delcevo, Vinica, Kocani and Turkish)

The EU's decision to block accession negotiations with RS Macedonia and Albania has also shaken those governments' positions in the fight against discrimination and virtually delayed all plans and strategies.

Unemployment is so high in the Roma community that it is twice as high as in others. This applies to Macedonia. In Albania, one half of Roma live without water in their homes, and one third go to bed hungry every night.

The accession negotiations were a chance for decent pressure on the governments of these two countries, but now they are different.

An example is that the region's working population is shrinking, giving Roma a chance in the future to be more competitive in the labor market in countries such as Macedonia and Albania.

Virtually the Roma in this region seek only a fair chance for equal opportunities.

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