Facts about the Roma Holocaust: Did you know ...?

Did you know that ... Roma were the first Europeans to carry personal identification documents, and that the current form of passport (passport) began to be used after World War II!


Did you know ... that people who were identified as "Gypsies" were not allowed to marry or have a love affair with "Aryan" Germans?


Did you know that ... The Nazis thought that Roma and Sinti inherited the "antisocial" behavior of their ancestors, and that the children were photographed for the so-called "crime prevention"


Did you know that .. For soldiers when they came to be of Roma or Sinti origin, they were allowed a few days' home leave to be immediately arrested at home, not in front of their comrades-in-arms?


Did you know that ... Switzerland in 1888 was one of the first European states to close its borders for Roma and Sinti people?


Did you know that ... In some parts of Central Europe, 90% of the Roma were liquidated in the Holocaust.


Did you know that .. During the 1936 Berlin Olympics game, the Sinti and the Roma living in the city were moved to the Marzhan camp on the outskirts of the city. There they had to live in movable housing carriages. Movement was allowed if they were employed outside that camp.

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