(Un) information of the Roma and Egyptian population in Montenegro: Not a letter in Romani

The Roma community in Montenegro was not sufficiently informed about the measures taken and the way to prevent coronavirus.


With several positive examples of informing, the Roma and Egyptian halflings were mostly left exclusively to civil society activists.


Even the Montenegrin public service (Radio Television Montenegro - RTCG) has not broadcast a program in Romanian "Savore" ("Together") from March 7 to the present day. Until March 7, the show was broadcast twice a month.


Activists from the UPRE Civil Sector say that the younger generation was mainly informed through social networks, but it was also difficult for them to cope with the bureaucratic vocabulary and professional terminology.


Link: https://www.portal-udar.net/neinformisana-romska-i-egipcanska-populacija-u-crnoj-gori-ni-slova-na-romskom/

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