The list of state cards has been published, and citizens who have been left out can apply

The list is published on the website, and is based on data from the Public Revenue Office, the Employment Agency, electronic diaries in high schools and data from state universities.


Citizens entitled to state aid are divided into four groups.


The first group includes 115,927 citizens, who should receive 9,000 denars each on the card. These are low-income citizens, recipients of social assistance and unemployed, who are active job seekers registered with the Employment Agency until May 22 and last year did not earn more than 180,000 denars, and in the first four months of the year did not earn more than 60,000 denars.


The second group includes low-wage employees. The list includes a total of 117,144 people. They will receive 3,000 denars one-time assistance, and will also receive a 6,000 denars tourist voucher.


The third group is young people over the age of 16, not older than 29, active students or students at state universities. They will receive a payment card with three thousand denars, and 87,014 people are on the list.


In the fourth group are 4,934 health workers, who will receive 40 percent of their salary as a reward for treating coronavirus patients.


The cards are printed and should be delivered by the end of the week. They should be delivered to customers no later than July 18, and the funds should be used by August 15 at the latest.

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