In the EU, the first drug against Covid-19 is allowed

The European Commission said today it had approved the use of remedisvir in the EU's case of covidase 19, the DPA reported.

"We will not leave a stone unturned in our efforts to provide effective treatments or vaccines against coronavirus," said Stella Kyriakides, the European Commissioner for Health.

The approval of the EU's executive framework, issued on Friday, according to the German agency, is the next step in giving the drug a green light to use.

Remedesvir is the first drug to be approved for use in the EU.

Remedesvir, manufactured by the American biotech company Gilead, was originally developed to treat Ebola, but had little effect.

An international study in late April with more than 1,000 participants found that restimitation could reduce the time required for patients to recover with Covid-19 by an average of 15 to 11 days, the DPA reported.

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