Croatia: Veljko Kajtazi won another mandate in the Croatian parliament

In the elections in Croatia, HDZ took a convincing victory in the elections in Croatia with 69 seats. Veljko Kajtazi, who was previously in the Croatian Parliament, also won a mandate in the Croatian Parliament. He expressed his gratitude to the Roma who gave their vote on his FB profile. He wrote on his FB page: "Thanks to all the support given, and especially to the Roma Union of Croatia" Kali Sara "to the members of that assembly and all its members.

Together we managed to achieve a historic result despite the dirty campaign of the opposition, the mayors, the mayors and others.

This time we sent an even stronger message that we are not for sale, that we know, we can and we want!


As of today, we continue to work on the fight to improve the situation of all national minorities, especially the Roma as the most endangered group.

I invite you all to fight together. I will be your voice as before!

At the same time, I use the opportunity to congratulate the convincing victory of our partner, from whom I expect even greater support, "said in the FB the announcement of Veljko Kajtazi.

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