Banja Luka: Scandalous decision of the court in the case of the Roma minor

The Banja Luka District Court has ruled over Republika Srpska law and international standards for protecting the best interests of the child, where rights are seriously threatened by both the parent and the two perpetrators who took advantage of the girl's immaturity.

A court ruling in Banja Luka a few days ago sparked an avalanche of outrage from a number of Roma NGOs and child protection activists.

As a reminder, the father of the 13-year-old girl, Alija Aliќ (51), Mehmed Bosak (47) and his son Ismet (19) were released. Alic is accused that on January 10 last year in Doboj he agreed with Mehmed to establish a marriage between his 13-year-old daughter and Ismet for 500 euros.

Otherwise, for inculcating a juvenile out of selfishness, a prison sentence of six months to five years is envisaged.

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