What does the "Great Raid" law against Roma in 17th century Spain mean?

The Great Raid is one of the darkest periods in Spain's history and marks the culmination of Roma persecution. It is perhaps one of the oldest forms of persecution of Roma in universal history. It represented only one line of continuity in the process of political and legal management of the Roma issue on the territory of Spain. Specifically, the state wants to exterminate the Roma with all its might.

Knowing that a similar law barring residence in Spain had failed in Portugal, it was agreed to carry out a "biological extermination," and so in June.

In 1749 he planned a raid to gather large numbers of Roma of all ages on the basis of a law passed in 1745.

It all happened under the protection of King Fernando XV.

The Great Raid, also known as the General Prison for the Roma, began in chronological order throughout Spain at midnight on July 30, 1749. The year with the arrest of all Roma throughout Spain.

Between 9,000 and 12,000 Roma of all ages were arrested that night.

The most unfortunate of all is that this "Great Raid" is a fact that the Roma do not know at all, and the Spanish government ignores it.

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