Deutsche Welle: The new measures for entering Germany will also apply to passengers coming from Macedonia

Passengers arriving in Germany from high-risk countries will have to agree to be tested at German airports. Anyone wishing to enter Germany from a country considered high-risk for the coronavirus could face testing of Covid-19 upon arrival at the airport, the German health minister has decided.

Northern Macedonia, for example, is considered a high-risk country, and the new measure will cover Macedonian citizens. In addition, the measure will apply to German citizens returning from vacation from high-risk countries.

Airports are concerned about the proposal and are urging authorities to conduct the testing themselves, not to leave it to airport officials.

"If the health authorities order a quick test of any kind, then let them do it themselves," the German Association of Airports said in a statement.

"Then a decision must be made and how passengers who test positive will be treated."

Bavarian Prime Minister Marcus Zeder announced on Sunday that authorities in the province were working to set up test centers at airports where "everyone can be tested for free at any time".



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