About nationalism: Nationalism is, above all, paranoia. Collective and individual paranoia

Nationalism, above all, is paranoia. Collective and individual paranoia. As a collective paranoia, it is a consequence of envy and fear, and above all, a consequence of the loss of individual consciousness; therefore, collective paranoia is nothing but a set of individual paranoia. It is easy for the nationalist, he knows, or thinks he knows, his values, his national or the values ​​of the nation to which he belongs, ethical and political, and for the others he is not interested, he is not interested, the others are hell ( other nations, other tribes). They do not even need to be checked. The nationalist in others sees only himself - nationalists. The position is comfortable. Fear and envy. Nationalism lives on from relativism. There are no general values, aesthetic, ethical, etc. There are only relative. And in that sense, first of all, nationalism is a setback. You just have to be better than your brother or half-brother, and the rest I do not care. This is what we call fear. The others even have the right to reach us, to overtake us, we are not interested in that. "It is disgusting and unworthy of me to have a soul controlled by geography." Charles de Gaulle - "Patriotism is when you put love for your people first, nationalism is when your hatred for other people is primary."

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