Germany: Container drilling banned

Whoever saves food from garbage containers in the markets is committing a crime, says even the Constitutional Court in Germany.

Germany's highest court this week announced a negative verdict in a case called "Containerization". This is the name given to the rescue of food products from waste containers in supermarkets. Hard to believe, but true: whoever saves fruit, vegetables, cheese or any other edible product from senseless destruction is committing a criminal offense in Germany.

Two young women, Caroline and Franciska, were therefore convicted in 2019 by a court in Fürstenfeldbrook (Bavaria) of theft: eight hours of social work and a 225-euro fine, suspended. The two students did not want to accept the verdict and filed a complaint with the Constitutional Court. It has now been denied to them, explaining, among other things, that the legislature "should in principle protect the right to property even for economically worthless things".

Food rescuers are being treated like criminals

Not to mention the estimated 800 million hungry people in the world's poorest regions.

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