RDS: To terminate the practice episodically with a contract of employment of the Roma community.

We have been witnessing for decades, although it is mentioned "full mouth" that there is employment in the Roma community, whether in the public or private sector, that the situation is actually completely different. Even the small part of Roma employees who are engaged in work comes down to that easy and uncertain form of employment - Contract in action. What are the benefits and security of that type of employment need not be spent words. This practice has been practiced for decades, and it is always the same again. The companies that employ them with benefits from the state have the greatest benefit from all that, not all of it is "short-lived". Some time, then? Then you know - nothing is certain!

Instead, a number of Roma associations, etc., which deal with this type of issue in the Roma community "spent a ton" of paper by writing and proposing a plan and strategies for business sector development with emphasis on the Roma community, the state somehow by habit he puts it all "under the rug". And all those proposals and action plans were made precisely to provide the vulnerable community in the country - Romania, with some lasting systemic solutions for economic and financial progress. But there is still nothing of that. And again, as before. Roma are hired at work, but in a way that is painless for them - a contract in place. Usually a month, three or six. And then ..- health !. And what are the benefits of that. That Roma will take a minimum wage for a while, but without the right to health and social protection, regression leave, etc. And companies are grabbing financial support to employ this category of people as long as it is profitable for them.

It is necessary for the state to focus on realization for secure and long-term employment of the Roma community, and to avoid the danger of social and economic dependence, more precisely to reduce the need to use social assistance.

A Chinese proverb says: “Gifted fish is eaten in one day. "Learn to fish so I can eat my whole life."

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