Census no later than April!

The European Union sets the census as a condition before the start of negotiations

The government is sending the draft law on census again in parliamentary procedure, hoping that Macedonia will finally be counted after 18 years. It is expected that the statistical operation would be carried out in April next year at the latest, and this issue was part of the coalition agreement of the ruling parties.

 The head of the State Statistical Office, Apostol Simovski says that the institution has long been ready to conduct the census, because, as he says, it is an obligation, both to the citizens and to the state.

- The census is the first priority by Brussels and I hope that the law will get the green light in the Parliament as soon as possible. Conducting the census is a benchmark, ie de jure and de facto condition for opening a cluster dedicated to justice in the negotiations with the EU, because in it, as chapter 18 is exactly the statistics, as well as the part about the judiciary, ie. Chapter 23, which will start the negotiation process, said the director of the Statistical Office, Simovski.

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