Ministry of Interior to take measures against a certain Zoran Hristovski from Bitola for insults directed at Roma via FB

On the social network FB, from his profile, a certain Zoran Hristovski from Bitola, literally with his comments calls for a lynching and revenge against the Roma.
At no point in his comments did he show any remorse or respect, but on the contrary he returned to all the remarks with vulgarities and extremely irritating conclusions and opinions.
He did not care at all about the profile of his interlocutor, but simply in each of his comments he expressed his impatience with the Roma community both in Bitola and in the country.
That is why an appeal is sent to the Ministry of Interior to look at the threats made by this man ... Also a question to the Minister Oliver Spasovski and other state institutions, can we count on the fact that the safety of the Roma from Bitola and beyond will be guaranteed? I sincerely hope that the case will not turn into incitement to personal revenge where innocent citizens would suffer! Because man is definitely seeking revenge, not justice!

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