Education is a right, not a privilege!

The new school year will start with many challenges, says the Minister of Education. The national distance learning platform is not working, after yesterday the students in almost all primary and secondary schools received instructions to log in to the online teaching platform,
But it is also a challenge how those who are barely making ends meet will be taught. How can children who attend school from socially disadvantaged families attend online classes?
According to the parents, those laptops that have all the specifications for optimal monitoring of online classes in authorized sales centers across the country are around 300 euros and more.
The internet option with one of the Macedonian providers, which is paid on a monthly basis, must also be calculated here.
Can all parents afford that way of attending their children's online classes?
If they are not able to, then their children will be forced to attend classes with physical presence. It follows that children who can afford this way of attending classes are also at risk of contracting COVID 19. If their parents afford the "luxury" of having a laptop for their children, then their children will be privileged and attend online classes from home.
It follows that in our country education is a privilege instead of a right!

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FaLang translation system by Faboba

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