In Memoriam: Marcel Courthiade has passed away

One of the most famous Roma linguists, scientists and analysts of the Roma culture, language and history Marcel Courthiade has passed away on the 4th of March in Tirana.

Marcel Courthiade was born on the 2nd of August in 1953, he lived in France, exploring and promoting the Roma language and culture (novels by phonetic transcription created by Courthiade).

He began studying medicine at the Clermont Ferrand University (France), he then dropped out in order to study Slavic languages, specializing in the area of Serbo-Croatian and Polish languages.

After studying at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations (INALCO), in Paris, where he graduated and got a diploma for Albanian, Macedonian and Polish language, he mastered in phonology for dialect sorts of Roma language and graphic diasystems of the language of the Roma.

He became the substitute Professor in INALCO University in Paris in 1997.

Since 2019, he became a member of the Scientific Council of DILCRA, as a prominent intellectual and professor. His views on the Roma language, culture and history of the Roma can be seen at the documentary from SP BTR which was made in 2019 titled as “Sky – Wheel – Earth”.

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