The Ministry of Interior filed criminal charges for violence against a child against 9 people, but also established the identity of the person who threatened residents of Trajanovo Trlo with a gun and a knife

Regarding the case of violence against a child in Kocani, for which there is a recorded material that is shared on social networks, OVR Kocani informs the public that in coordination with the Public Prosecutor's Office Kocani a criminal charge will be filed for the crime "violence against a child", and nine persons have been identified, with whom an official interview has been conducted and after documenting the case, criminal charges will be filed.

Regarding the video that is shared on the social networks, and which is seen as a person with a gun and a knife poses serious threats, SIA Stip informs the public that immediate measures have been taken to determine the identity of the person from the video, and it has been determined that it is about AI (36) from Kocani, father of the child. From the undertaken operative measures it has been learned that A.I. is not on the territory of the Republic of Northern Macedonia and measures and activities are being taken to secure it.

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