Ten families who lost everything in the fire, for now are without a permanent solution.

Two weeks after the fire on Alexander Medvedev Street in Nis, the issue of 50 homeless people cannot be permanently resolved. After the big fire from their homes, they were left with only arrears. The proposal to use city apartments and pay rent has upset citizens who already have unpaid bills, most live on social assistance or have a minimum income and can not set aside an additional 70 euros per month for rent. Fearing for their livelihood, some are afraid of being left on the street. Some of them are housed in the family, while others are in a safe house in the center of "Mara".


A large fire broke out on Alexandra Medvedeva Street in Nis in the evening, around 7.40 pm, in which ten families were left without their homes. The Nis Police Department said no one was injured in the blaze.

According to eyewitnesses, the fire started suddenly, and it is presumed that the chimney of one of the barracks caught fire. The tenants, fleeing the fire, ran into the street without having time to take their personal documents or money with them.



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