Facebook Status from Albert Black: Every third bicycle in Shutka is stolen!

On the Facebook profile of Albert Black, a status was posted which said the following words: “Today, I was in Shuto Orizari, and every third bicycle which I saw there was repainted. I rode around for a while in the nearby streets, and almost every home had a minimum of one bike, where most of them were repainted, and some of them were disassembled. I saw people with old dirty close riding on nice and new bikes. I think that most of our stolen bicycles are ending up over there. I think that by having constant police controls at the 4 following crossroads which lead to Suto Orizari, the bike thefts would be much less, at least 50%. The police should legitimize every suspect riding a bicycle to Suto Orizari, and to photograph the bicycle. In that way, after the damaged person whose bike was stolen will report said bike with its specific characteristics, the police will be immediately able to react. In order to implement this, we need 16 police officers - two per point in two 12 hour shifts. Even if it doesn’t bring any results, we must try it. Does the Ministry of Inner Affairs, or Sector for Inner Affairs – Skopje are willing to do this??”

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