Promotion of the project “Local Heroes – World Talents” supported by the city of Skopje

Within the frameworks of the realization of the Project “Local Heroes – World Talents” which is realized and implemented by the Association Roma Business Informative Center – ARBICM, in collaboration and financially supported by the City of Skopje – Cultural Sector, organized the event on 29.05.2021 – Saturday – 20:00, in the central area of the Topaana neighborhood (known as “Dve Cesmi”)

The event was conducted in front of the citizens of Topaana where a speech was given for the historical meaning of the oldest Roma settlement on the Balkan – Topaana, the speech was given by the Ethnologist – Daniel Petrovski, and also by the President of ARBICM, Zoran Dimov, after that, the film “Local Heroes-World Talents” was screened.



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