Important Information from the Ministry of Internal Affairs: From the 11th to the 15th of June in Skopje – No ID Cards, Passports or Driver’s Licenses will be issued

The Ministry of Internal Affairs informs the citizens that due to the upgrade of the personal document system, from June 11, 2021 (Friday) starting at 4 pm, until June 15, 2021 (Tuesday, during the whole working day until 8 pm) that the system for receipt and issuance of personal documents (ID card, passport and driver's license) in Skopje will not be operational.

Due to those reasons, the citizens of Skopje are informed that those who have a scheduled term for applying for a personal document (ID Card, passport or driver’s license) on the 11th of June 2021 after 16:00h, to come to the offices of the Ministry where they have a scheduled time for a personal document on the 11th of June 2021 not later than 16:00h. The citizens who have a scheduled time for the 14th of June 2021, will be able to fulfill their right to apply for a personal document on the 5th of June Saturday at the same place at the same time as scheduled.

The citizens who have a scheduled time and date for the 15th of June 2021, will be able to realize their right to apply for a personal document on the 6th of June 2021 Sunday at the same place and time as scheduled. Also, we inform the citizens that they will be able to receive their documents from the 11th of June 2021 until 16:00h or from the 16th of June 2021.



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