The people without an ID Number don’t have a roof over their heads, nor a phone, yet the country expects them to know about public calls for enrolment!

The public call was open from April 1 to November 1, 2018. Those children who were born after the famous public call that none of the citizens - phantoms have heard, seen, do not have the right to be registered in the special birth register.

NGOs managed to find only 659 people born in Macedonia without a personal identification number. Out of the 659 registered, 184 people applied for enrollment in 2020. Out of them, only for 44 persons the Office made a decision for issuing a certificate from the special registry book. According to the Office, most of the persons who filled in the questionnaire and declared their ethnicity were Roma - 428, Albanians - 88, Turks - 20, Bosniaks - 3, Serbs - 2 and one person from the Vlach ethnic community,said the Deputy Ombudsman, Vaska Bajramovska-Mustafa. She demanded that the Law on Unregistered Persons in the Birth Registry, which for incomprehensible reasons has a limited duration, and the possibility expires in one month, to continue to apply for at least another year.

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