Preliminary census in Serbia: Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians number 160,000 in Serbia

The population and household census was held in Serbia this year from October 1 to October 31.

The preliminary results of the census in Serbia show that there are 6,320,000 in Serbia, including those abroad. The number of Hungarians in Serbia has decreased by over 30,000 and is now around 220,000.

The number of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians is 160,000 and they are the third largest.

Bosniaks are the fourth nation, and Croats are in fifth place with about 49,000 inhabitants.

According to the 2011 census, when the Albanians boycotted the census, there were less than 6,000 in Serbia without Kosovo, now there are more than 100,000 without Kosovo, making them the largest national minority after the Hungarian Roma and Bosniaks without Kosovo, i.e. 4 in a row. Together with the citizens of Kosovo, of which according to the census, Serbia currently has about 8,340,000 inhabitants with the participation of Albanians over 22%, which according to the Constitution gives the right to the Albanian language to be in official use throughout the territory of Serbia, because according to the law he is 15%. .

The third largest nation are the Hungarians, who numbered around 253,899, but their number is now smaller by almost 30,000 people, followed by the Roma, according to census data, with over 160,000 without Kosovo and over 230,000 with Kosovo. In this regard, the Roma are the third largest nation in Serbia because they crossed the Majdar, followed by Bosniaks and Croats with less than 50,000 inhabitants.

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