In Bijeljina, part of the project to combat discrimination against Roma

Bjelina was the host of the implementation of the program of the European Union and the Council of Europe "Horizontal facility for the Western Balkans and Turkey 2019-2022" dedicated to the promotion of human rights in accordance with European standards.

The essence of the project is to inform the public about the harmfulness of hate speech in public space, the organizers said. That is why it is very important, as was heard, to take concrete steps that can be taken when it comes to the prevention of hate speech.

- In this context, we developed a document that in some way mapped the problems and institutions concerned with the problems of hate speech, with the intention of creating a joint plan in the coming period, i.e., a document or guidelines, based on which all competent institutions would commit themselves, especially those who operate in the sphere of regulation of the public media space, that is, informing citizens, in order to prevent and punish any such phenomenon that causes long-term damage - said Saliha Đuderija, Assistant Minister for Human Rights and Refugees of Bosnia and Herzegovina.




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