Roma feminism

Roma feminism is a feminist movement that promotes gender equality, the fight against social inequalities and the defense of the integration of women in various movements in society, making these processes compatible with the preservation of the culture and values ​​of the Roma people.

Throughout history, the Roma ethnic group has been despised and persecuted by various societies because of their peculiarities. However, it is one of the largest minorities in the world. Many groups still preserve a distinctive culture, with its own language, traditions or customs, where family and solidarity among its members is of the greatest importance.

Roma feminism is characterized by the struggle to overcome prejudices and discrimination against both Roma society and women, in addition to the great stigma associated with poverty.

The beginning of the Roma feminist movement in Spain began in 1990, when the first Roma feminist women's association appeared in Granada, "Asociación de Mujeres Gitanas ROMI". Since then, many other collectives have been created across the country.

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