"Tuesday only for Roma" - A swimming pool in Shuto Orizari with an inscription discriminated on the basis of ethnicity and skin color

A restaurant with a recreational pool in the Municipality of Šuto Orizari had the inscription "Tuesdays only for Roma" on its notice board, preventing the residents of the Roma community from recreation on the other days of the week, thus directly discriminating against them on the basis of ethnicity and skin color. , language and race.

This was determined by the Commission for Prevention and Protection from Discrimination after the complaint filed in the case of last summer when young Roma were not allowed to have fun in the restaurant's swimming pool.


In the complaint to the Commission, it is said that all citizens entered the complex, except for the Roma, for whom it was emphasized verbally and in writing that they were only welcome on Tuesdays.

"During the analysis, the commission took into account the inscription that was advertised on the table in the pool "Tuesday only for Roma". Despite the fact that the response denies all allegations in the complaint, the Commission considers that the very publication of an announcement with such content is probable evidence from which it can be determined that the pool directly discriminated against persons of Roma nationality due to their ethnicity and skin color in a way that they are not allowed to use an object that represents a public object and to which all citizens have access", explained the KSZD.

The commission recommended to the employees and the owner of the restaurant not to repeat this behavior towards any ethnic community and not to act with prejudices towards people of Roma nationality.


Link: https://a1on.mk/macedonia/vtornik-samo-za-romi-bazen-vo-shuto-orizari-so-natpis-diskriminiral-vrz-osnova-na-etnichka-pripadnost-i-boja-na-kozha/

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