Bitici: We are building a society in solidarity for all and we will enable full social inclusion of the Roma

Guided by the commitments arising from the Poznan declaration for the countries of the Western Balkans for the integration of Roma within the Berlin EU enlargement process, this year Macedonia prepared and adopted a new Strategy for the inclusion of Roma 2022-2030 following the guidelines given in the Strategic Framework of The EU is for the Roma, said the Deputy Prime Minister in charge of economic issues, coordination of economic sectors and investments, Fatmir Bitiqi.

In addition to this, the Government's 2020-2024 program incorporates various measures for support and inclusion of the Roma, such as active measures for employment, improvement of legal regulations and formalization of work. Investing in the development of the Roma community has long-term benefits, in terms of improving social cohesion and economic status for the Roma in the long term.

He added that the Government is determined to build an inclusive society and will enable complete social inclusion for Roma citizens in Macedonia.

"We are committed to it. It is crucial that there is a political will for the real implementation of the Strategy for the Roma in the Republic of North Macedonia and for following all the European recommendations that refer to the inclusion of the Roma in the societies. The government's anti-crisis measures that were a response to the crises were intended to protect the most vulnerable categories of citizens. Since the beginning of the energy and economic crisis, the Government has given an energetic response, with the aim of leaving no one behind.

As part of the measures to support companies, it is envisaged to expand the range of companies that are beneficiaries of the guarantee scheme from the Guarantee Fund of the Development Bank, by easing the application criteria.

In 2021, 17 Roma businesses were supported through the Development Bank. At the same time, the possibility of formalizing the activity through self-employment with grants continues, where the number of Roma who form and register their own businesses within the Operational Plan for active measures is increasing, and so far about 70 people have used this opportunity," Bitici said.

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