The Roma settlement "Shanghai" in Novi Sad is also known for the first Roma library in Serbia

Shanghai is an area that is very famous in Novi Sad circles. Shanghai is only 7 kilometers from the center of Novi Sad, ie 10 minutes by car. Shanghai owes its name to Tihomir Brancic, who ran the "Shanghai" tavern in this part of the city. In the sixties of the last century, a settlement of several hundred houses was created on the present site, and not long after Shanghai was connected to the city by a bus line and received all the elements of a city settlement - electricity, water supply, sewage, a compulsory educational institution, as well as many others such as kindergartens, clinics, etc.

Shanghai today - the place where the first Roma library in Serbia was opened

Today, Shanghai has close to 2,000 inhabitants, and the majority of the population are Serbs and Roma. In the settlement there is a state kindergarten "Duga" which has crèches and preschool groups. There is also the "Veljko Vlahovic" elementary school, which was established in 1962 as a branch of the "Djura Danicic" elementary school. In 1977, this school became independent, and classes were held in one shift. In addition to the primary school and kindergarten, this neighborhood also has its own library "Trifun Dimić", which is a branch of the City Library. It is interesting that this library is also the first Roma library in Serbia because it contains several hundred books in the Roma language. Shanghai also has a clinic, a post office and a local community.

The neighborhood has shops, a pastry shop, cafes, but also parks, green areas dominated by houses, and a special advantage is the proximity of the Danube, which in the future may mean a more attractive view of this place, which will not be just the "outskirts of the city".




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