In BiH, a student was arrested who announced on TikTok that he would commit a massacre in a school today.

A 17-year-old student was arrested in Trebinje on suspicion of terrorism, because he published a video on the social network "Tik Tok" in which he stated that 25 people should be killed and 12 injured in the Secondary Medical School in Trebinje, Glas Srpske reports.

This morning, the minor was brought before the Public Prosecutor's Office, where he will be questioned in the presence of his parents and experts, after which further measures against him will be decided, Srpskainfo reports.

A source close to the investigation said that the video was reported to the police by a Serb living in the Netherlands.

-He came across the video and since he is from those parts, he immediately alerted the police in the Netherlands and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Immediately after the report, the authorities reacted and the minor was found through the IP address, which prevented a possible tragedy. It is about an older minor - said the source of Glas Srpska.

- Immediately after the discovery, the Special Department for Suppression of Corruption, Organized Crime and the most serious form of economic crime was notified, under whose supervision certain investigative actions were carried out. The actions that were carried out did not lead us to the person from Bileća who is suspected of having committed the said crime - said the head of SVT Trebinje, Sinisha Laketa.

The head of the Trebinje Police Department stated today that the situation in schools in this city is absolutely safe and children can attend them, and there is no place for any panic because the safety of no child was at any time threatened.

- We absolutely kept the security situation under control. The police reacted promptly - Laketa said at the press conference.

He added that there is no room for real danger, stating that the minor has been handed over to the competent prosecutor's office.

The entire attack plan was allegedly presented by the minor during a live chat on TikTok. In the video, it can be seen that he drew a sketch in the notebook, i.e. the plan of the school. The entrances, the yard, the corridor and the stairs are marked, and the number of dead in different rooms is also indicated. Even the total calculation is recorded, which lists 12 dead and 23 wounded.

– On the "Tik-Tok" application, there was an announcement that a terrorist attack was being prepared on one of the secondary schools in Trebinje, and this is a plan in the sense of a scheme, and other evidence is excluded. We cannot say more, because the investigation is ongoing - said Laketa.

Laketa appealed to parents to take care of their children, how they access social networks, how they use the Internet and group applications, etc.

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