The father of the popular Tea Tairović is the famous Roma academic painter from Novi Sad, Zoran Tairović

The popular singer Tea Tairovic has been in the media lately, she often posts provocative photos and is busy with performances.

Tea Tairović rarely has a place to rest and have fun in Serbia, and on one occasion she shared a picture on her Instagram with her father Zoran Tairović, how they enjoy playing the tambourine and having fun. Thea smilingly posed in her father's arms, and then filmed him having fun and tipping the musicians.

"Daddy and daughter," she wrote, and the comments just kept coming, with everyone saying it's the same dad.

By the way, her father Zoran Tairović is a famous academic painter. He is Roma and lives and works in Novi Sad. He was also involved in composing and directing, and has a doctorate in science, and is also a fighter for the rights of the Roma in Serbia. On one occasion, the media visited the space where Zoran has a studio, and the neighbors said that he was once in a relationship with the actress Vesna Cipcic.



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