The IRU opens its doors wide to new members

The International Romani Union - IRU, as the oldest and largest international Roma organization, has been formed from the  beginning on the basis of the IRU Statute and operates on the basis of respect for democracy, equality and transparency. That is the goal - a step on the road to building a broader mandate for current and future IRU members and delegates.

This increases the legitimacy, responsibility and political influence of the Roma representation.

Towards this goal, the IRU is active through via EGUALITY TEAM (ET), whose main task is to increase the number of IRU membership through active members, active delegates and also support and cooperation members.

That is why the IRU opens its doors wide for admission within the organizational structure of the IRU. This will increase the number of organizations for cooperation with the IRU, increased influence of the IRU and financial ground of the IRU.

With your membership in the IRU, you will also contribute to everything that the IRU stands for and that is - it protects the economis, social and cultural rights of Roma from overall the world from all negative phenomena in all forms of discrimination, hate speech, segregation, intolerance, violence and genocide.

The organization is based on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights instruments and fundamental rights guaranteed by national law. The organization promotes human rights in every way.

The IRU has its own status of ECOSOC at the United Nations (UN).

IRU has cooperation and communication with the authorities and decision makers, local NGOs and foundations, as well as with other organizations such as EC, EP, World Bank, UN, OSCE, World Churches, Pope, Council of Europe, IOM, OSCE, ODIHR and WHO, UNICEF, Save the Children, World Vision, Amnesty International, WeMove Europe, the European Network Against Poverty (EAPN), Medicines Suns Frontiers (MSF), Global Clinic, the FAO and the Red Cross.

In that way, this is a excellent opportunity to you, with the help of your intellectual capacity, activity, experience and knowledge,  to become a part of IRU.

Therefore, we would like to inform you that you can apply the membership of IRU in the following way:
Send your CV and completed application to the e-mail  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The IRU will handle all member applications.

Download the application here

With respect

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