IRU reacts: There is no end to the humiliation of the Roma from Ukraine - Now the nationalists label them as thieves!

Chaos in Ukraine continues. This time the Ukrainian police and army are also involved. In their own way, they punish those who are both the poorest and left alone. And among them are the Ukrainian Roma.

The war mostly affects the poorest, including a section of the Roma community. The lack of food, the unequal treatment of providing humanitarian aid to the most vulnerable in this war, is forcing this community to take an illegal step with severe consequences for their lives.

The inhuman treatment, the humiliation of these people who will be caught or just assumed that they stole something, is followed by being tied to a traffic sign or an electric pole with just sticky tape, painting the face in the color of the Ukrainian flag, and even physical harassment, and that are in the name of "GLORY TO UKRAINE".

Many who have already seen these photos know that such an act against the "hungry thieves" is at the expense of the notorious neo-Nazi groups of Ukraine, especially the members of the neo-fascist Azov detachment.

This type of punishment is applied in a country where there is no democracy but the law of the street and arbitrariness, whether that country is at war or not. That is why the IRU reacts and says that a reaction is needed and an appeal to the EU and the institutions to take appropriate steps to eliminate these phenomena, as well as to take greater care of the treatment of Roma from Ukraine who are left at mercy. Where are and what are the European Parliament members doing now who are advocating for Roma rights?

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